1. Installation
The core algorithm is written in Python 3 and requires only numpy and orjson (for serialization):
pip install jenn
The matplotlib library is used to offer basic plotting utilities, such as checking goodness of fit or viewing sensitivity profiles, but it is entirely optional. To install:
pip install jenn[viz]
2. Data Structures
In order to use the library effectively, it is essential to understand its data structures. Mathematically, JENN is used to predict smooth, continuous functions of the form:
where \(\frac{\partial \boldsymbol{y}}{\partial \boldsymbol{x}}\) is the Jacobian. For a single example, the associated quantities are given by:
For multiple examples, denoted by \(m\), these quantities become vectorized as follows:
Similarly, the vectorized version of the Jacobian becomes:
Programmatically, these data structures are exclusively represented using shaped numpy arrays:
import numpy as np
# p = number of inputs
# K = number of outputs
# m = number of examples in dataset
x = np.array(
[11, 12, 13, 14],
[21, 22, 23, 24],
[31, 32, 33, 34],
) # array of shape (n_x, m) = (3, 4)
y = np.array(
[11, 12, 13, 14],
[21, 22, 23, 24],
) # array of shape (n_y, m) = (2, 4)
dydx = np.array(
[111, 112, 113, 114],
[121, 122, 123, 124],
[131, 132, 133, 134],
[211, 212, 213, 214],
[221, 222, 223, 224],
[231, 232, 233, 234],
) # array of shape (n_y, n_x, m) = (2, 3, 4)
p, m = x.shape
K, m = y.shape
K, p, m = dydx.shape
assert y.shape[0] == dydx.shape[0]
assert x.shape[0] == dydx.shape[1]
assert x.shape[-1] == y.shape[-1] == dydx.shape[-1]
3. Usage
This section provides a quick example to get started. Consider the task of fitting a simple 1D sinusoid using only three data points:
import numpy as np
import jenn
# Example function to be learned
f = lambda x: np.sin(x)
f_prime = lambda x: np.cos(x).reshape((1, 1, -1)) # note: jacobian adds a dimension
# Generate training data
x_train = np.linspace(-np.pi , np.pi, 3).reshape((1, -1))
y_train = f(x_train)
dydx_train = f_prime(x_train)
# Generate test data
x_test = np.linspace(-np.pi , np.pi, 30).reshape((1, -1))
y_test = f(x_test)
dydx_test = f_prime(x_test)
# Fit jacobian-enhanced neural net
genn = jenn.model.NeuralNet(
layer_sizes=[x_train.shape[0], 3, 3, y_train.shape[0]], # note: user defines hidden layer architecture
x_train, y_train, dydx_train, random_state=123 # see docstr for full list of hyperparameters
# Fit regular neural net (for comparison)
nn = jenn.model.NeuralNet(
layer_sizes=[x_train.shape[0], 3, 3, y_train.shape[0]] # note: user defines hidden layer architecture
x_train, y_train, random_state=123 # see docstr for full list of hyperparameters
# Predict response only
y_pred = genn.predict(x_test)
# Predict partials only
dydx_pred = genn.predict_partials(x_train)
# Predict response and partials in one step
y_pred, dydx_pred = genn.evaluate(x_test)
# Check how well model generalizes
assert jenn.utils.metrics.r_square(y_pred, y_test) > 0.99
assert jenn.utils.metrics.r_square(dydx_pred, dydx_test) > 0.99
Saving a model for later re-use:
Reloading the parameters a previously trained model:
new_model = jenn.model.NeuralNet(layer_sizes=[1, 12, 1]).load('parameters.json')
y_reloaded, dydx_reloaded = new_model.evaluate(x_test)
assert np.allclose(y_reloaded, y_pred)
assert np.allclose(dydx_reloaded, dydx_pred)
4. More Examples
Elaborated demo notebooks can be found on the project repo.
5. Other features
5.1. Plotting
Optional plotting tools are available for convenience, provided matplotlib is installed:
from jenn.utils import plot
# Example: show goodness of fit of the partials
title="Partial Derivative: dy/dx (NN)"
# Example: visualize local trends
f=[f, genn.predict, nn.predict],
legend=['sin(x)', 'jenn', 'nn'],
5.2. Load JMP models into Python
Not all engineers are Python enthusiasts. Sometimes, using JMP allows progress to be made fast without writing code. In fact, JMP sometimes markets their software as machine learning without code. However, once a model is trained, it often needs to be loaded into Python where it can be used in conjunction with other analyses. Here’s how to do it with JENN, where the equation is obtained using “Save Profile Formulas” in JMP:
jmp_model = jenn.utils.from_jmp(equation="""
6.63968579427224 + 2419.53609389846 * TanH(
0.5 * (1.17629679110012 + -0.350827466968853 * :x1 + -0.441135986242386 * :x2)
) + 926.302874298947 * TanH(
0.5 * (0.0532227576798577 + 0.112094306256208 * :x1 + -0.589518737153198 * :x2)
) + -4868.09413385432 * TanH(
0.5 * (0.669012936934124 + -0.354310015265324 * :x1 + -0.442508530947179 * :x2)
) + 364.826302675917 * TanH(
0.5 * (0.181903867225405 + -0.400769569147237 * :x1 + -1.82765795570436 * :x2)
) + 69.1044173973596 * TanH(
0.5 * ((-1.33806951259538) + 5.05831585102242 * :x1 + 0.0768855196783658 * :x2)
) + 1003.55161311844 * TanH(
0.5 * (0.333506711905318 + -1.21092868596007 * :x1 + -0.094803759612578 * :x2)
) + -105.644746963426 * TanH(
0.5 * (0.0582830223989066 + -0.758691194673338 * :x1 + 0.193686573458068 * :x2)
) + 28.9924537808578 * TanH(
0.5 * (1.68489056740589 + 0.203695375799704 * :x1 + 1.55265433664034 * :x2)
) + -16.1485832676648 * TanH(
0.5 * (0.20830843078032 + 0.293819116867659 * :x1 + -3.34453047341792 * :x2)
) + -40.871646830766 * TanH(
0.5 * (1.94906272051484 + -0.446838471653994 * :x1 + -7.96896877293616 * :x2)
) + 2.01890616631764 * TanH(
0.5 * (0.501220953175385 + 1.35505831134419 * :x1 + -0.618548650974262 * :x2)
) + 150.412884466318 * TanH(
0.5 * (2.21033919158451 + -0.696779972041321 * :x1 + -1.69376087699982 * :x2)
y, dy_dx = jmp_model.evaluate(x=np.array([[0.5], [0.25]]))