Source code for jenn.core.optimization


.. ADAM:

This module implements gradient-based optimization using `ADAM`_. 
"""  # noqa W291

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Callable
from typing import Union

import numpy as np

[docs] class Update(ABC): r"""Base class for line search. Update parameters :math:`\boldsymbol{x}` by taking a step along the search direction :math:`\boldsymbol{s}` according to :math:`\boldsymbol{x} := \boldsymbol{x} + \alpha \boldsymbol{s}` .. automethod:: __call__ """ # noqa W291 @abstractmethod def _update( self, params: np.ndarray, grads: np.ndarray, alpha: float, ) -> np.ndarray: raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in subclass.")
[docs] def __call__( self, params: np.ndarray, grads: np.ndarray, alpha: float, ) -> np.ndarray: r"""Take a single step along search direction. :param params: parameters :math:`x` to be updated :param grads: gradient :math:`\nabla_x f` of objective function :math:`f` w.r.t. each parameter :math:`x` :param alpha: learning rate :math:`\alpha` """ return self._update(params, grads, alpha)
[docs] class GD(Update): r"""Take single step along the search direction using gradient descent. GD simply follows the steepest path according to :math:`\boldsymbol{x} := \boldsymbol{x} + \alpha \boldsymbol{s}` where :math:`\boldsymbol{s} = \nabla_x f` """ def _update( self, params: np.ndarray, grads: np.ndarray, alpha: float, ) -> np.ndarray: return (params - alpha * grads).reshape(params.shape)
[docs] class ADAM(Update): r"""Take single step along the search direction as determined by `ADAM`_. Parameters :math:`\boldsymbol{x}` are updated according to :math:`\boldsymbol{x} := \boldsymbol{x} + \alpha \boldsymbol{s}` where :math:`\boldsymbol{s}` is determined by ADAM in such a way to improve efficiency. This is accomplished making use of previous information (see paper). :param beta_1: exponential decay rate of 1st moment vector :math:`\beta_1\in[0, 1)` :param beta_2: exponential decay rate of 2nd moment vector :math:`\beta_2\in[0, 1)` """ def __init__( self, beta_1: float = 0.9, beta_2: float = 0.99, ): # noqa D107 self.beta_1 = beta_1 self.beta_2 = beta_2 self._v: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None self._s: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None self._t = 0 self._grads: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None def _update( self, params: np.ndarray, grads: np.ndarray, alpha: float, ) -> np.ndarray: beta_1 = self.beta_1 beta_2 = self.beta_2 v = self._v s = self._s t = self._t if v is None: v = np.zeros(params.shape) if s is None: s = np.zeros(params.shape) a: list[int] = [id(x) for x in grads] b: list[int] = [] if self._grads is not None: b = [id(x) for x in self._grads] if a != b: self._grads = grads t += 1 # only update for new search directions epsilon = np.finfo(float).eps # small number to avoid division by zero v = beta_1 * v + (1.0 - beta_1) * grads s = beta_2 * s + (1.0 - beta_2) * np.square(grads) v_corrected = v / (1.0 - beta_1**t) s_corrected = s / (1.0 - beta_2**t) + epsilon x = params - alpha * v_corrected / np.sqrt(s_corrected) self._v = v self._s = s self._t = t return x.reshape(params.shape)
[docs] class LineSearch(ABC): r"""Take multiple steps of varying size by progressively varying :math:`\alpha` along the search direction. :param update: object that implements Update base class to update parameters according to :math:`\boldsymbol{x} := \boldsymbol{x} + \alpha \boldsymbol{s}` .. automethod:: __call__ """ def __init__( self, update: Update, ): # noqa D107 self.update = update
[docs] @abstractmethod def __call__( self, params: np.ndarray, grads: np.ndarray, cost: Callable, learning_rate: float, ) -> np.ndarray: r"""Take multiple steps along the search direction. :param params: parameters to be updated, array of shape (n,) :param grads: cost function gradient w.r.t. parameters, array of shape (n,) :param cost: cost function, array of shape (1,) :param learning_rate: initial step size :math:`\alpha` :return: new_params: updated parameters, array of shape (n,) """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class Backtracking(LineSearch): r"""Search for optimum along a search direction. :param update: object that updates parameters according to :math:`\boldsymbol{x} := \boldsymbol{x} + \alpha \boldsymbol{s}` :param tau: amount by which to reduce :math:`\alpha := \tau \times \alpha` on each iteration :param tol: stop when cost function doesn't improve more than specified tolerance :param max_count: stop when line search iterations exceed maximum count specified .. automethod:: __call__ """ def __init__( self, update: Update, tau: float = 0.5, tol: float = 1e-6, max_count: int = 1_000, ): # noqa D107 super().__init__(update) self.tau = tau self.tol = tol self.max_count = max_count
[docs] def __call__( self, params: np.ndarray, grads: np.ndarray, cost: Callable, learning_rate: float = 0.05, ) -> np.ndarray: r"""Take multiple "update" steps along search direction. :param params: parameters :math:`x` to be updated, array of shape (n,) :param grads: gradient :math:`\nabla_x f` of objective function :math:`f` w.r.t. each parameter, array of shape (n,) :param cost: objective function :math:`f` :param learning_rate: maximum allowed step size :math:`\alpha \le \alpha_{max}` :return: updated parameters :math:`x`, array of shape (n,) """ tau = self.tau tol = self.tol x0 = self.update(params, grads, alpha=0) f0 = cost(x0) tau = max(0.0, min(1.0, tau)) alpha = learning_rate x = self.update(params, grads, alpha) max_count = max(1, self.max_count) for _ in range(max_count): if cost(x) < f0: return x elif alpha < tol: return x else: alpha = learning_rate * tau x = self.update(params, grads, alpha) tau *= tau return x
[docs] class Optimizer: r"""Find optimum using gradient-based optimization. :param line_search: object that implements algorithm to compute search direction :math:`\boldsymbol{s}` given the gradient :math:`\nabla_x f` at the current parameter values :math:`\boldsymbol{x}` and take multiple steps along it to update them according to :math:`\boldsymbol{x} := \boldsymbol{x} + \alpha \boldsymbol{s}` """ def __init__( self, line_search: LineSearch, ): # noqa D107 self.line_search = line_search self.vars_history: Union[list[np.ndarray], None] = None self.cost_history: Union[list[np.ndarray], None] = None
[docs] def minimize( self, x: np.ndarray, f: Callable, dfdx: Callable, alpha: float = 0.01, max_iter: int = 100, verbose: bool = False, epoch: Union[int, None] = None, batch: Union[int, None] = None, epsilon_absolute: float = 1e-12, epsilon_relative: float = 1e-12, ) -> np.ndarray: r"""Minimize single objective function. :param x: parameters to be updated, array of shape (n,) :param f: cost function :math:`y = f(\boldsymbol{x})` :param alpha: learning rate :math:`\boldsymbol{x} := \boldsymbol{x} + \alpha \boldsymbol{s}` :param max_iter: maximum number of optimizer iterations allowed :param verbose: whether or not to send progress output to standard out :param epoch: the epoch in which this optimization is being run (for printing) :param batch: the batch in which this optimization is being run (for printing) :param epsilon_absolute: absolute error stopping criterion :param epsilon_relative: relative error stopping criterion """ # Stopping criteria (Vanderplaats, "Multidiscipline Design Optimization," ch. 3, p. 121) converged = False N1 = 0 N1_max = 100 N2 = 0 N2_max = 100 cost_history: list[np.ndarray] = [] vars_history: list[np.ndarray] = [] # Iterative update for i in range(0, max_iter): y = f(x) cost_history.append(y) vars_history.append(x) x = self.line_search(params=x, cost=f, grads=dfdx(x), learning_rate=alpha) if verbose: if epoch is not None and batch is not None: e = epoch b = batch print( f"epoch = {e:d}, batch = {b:d}, iter = {i:d}, cost = {y:6.3f}" ) elif epoch is not None: e = epoch print(f"epoch = {e:d}, iter = {i:d}, cost = {y:6.3f}") elif batch is not None: b = batch print(f"batch = {b:d}, iter = {i:d}, cost = {y:6.3f}") else: print(f"iter = {i:d}, cost = {y:6.3f}") # Absolute convergence criterion if i > 1: dF1 = abs(cost_history[-1] - cost_history[-2]) if dF1 < epsilon_absolute * cost_history[0]: N1 += 1 else: N1 = 0 if N1 > N1_max: converged = True if verbose: print("Absolute stopping criterion satisfied") # Relative convergence criterion numerator = abs(cost_history[-1] - cost_history[-2]) denominator = max(abs(float(cost_history[-1])), 1e-6) dF2 = numerator / denominator if dF2 < epsilon_relative: N2 += 1 else: N2 = 0 if N2 > N2_max: converged = True if verbose: print("Relative stopping criterion satisfied") if converged: break # Maximum iteration convergence criterion if i == max_iter: if verbose: print("Maximum optimizer iterations reached") self.cost_history = cost_history self.vars_history = vars_history return x
[docs] class GDOptimizer(Optimizer): r"""Search for optimum using gradient descent. .. warning:: This optimizer is very inefficient. It was intended as a baseline during development. It is not recommended. Use ADAM instead. :param tau: amount by which to reduce :math:`\alpha := \tau \times \alpha` on each iteration :param tol: stop when cost function doesn't improve more than specified tolerance :param max_count: stop when line search iterations exceed maximum count specified """ def __init__( self, tau: float = 0.5, tol: float = 1e-6, max_count: int = 1_000, ): # noqa D107 line_search = Backtracking( update=GD(), tau=tau, tol=tol, max_count=max_count, ) super().__init__(line_search)
[docs] class ADAMOptimizer(Optimizer): r"""Search for optimum using ADAM algorithm. :param beta_1: exponential decay rate of 1st moment vector :math:`\beta_1\in[0, 1)` :param beta_2: exponential decay rate of 2nd moment vector :math:`\beta_2\in[0, 1)` :param tau: amount by which to reduce :math:`\alpha := \tau \times \alpha` on each iteration :param tol: stop when cost function doesn't improve more than specified tolerance :param max_count: stop when line search iterations exceed maximum count specified """ def __init__( self, beta_1: float = 0.9, beta_2: float = 0.99, tau: float = 0.5, tol: float = 1e-12, max_count: int = 1_000, ): # noqa D107 line_search = Backtracking( update=ADAM(beta_1, beta_2), tau=tau, tol=tol, max_count=max_count, ) super().__init__(line_search)